Asked by Ankit Agrawal | 30th of March 2020
career counselling career guidanceTher question that each one of us faces after important milestones in education is What next after class 10th, class 12th and even after Graduation.
Career Counselling is a common and popular term in today’s world. Career Counselling means guiding a person to make the right decision in choosing a career. Also, it is a professional term. It is based on the judgement and analysis of a few factors. These are a person’s personality, behaviour, and interests. So, a qualified career counsellor first studies a person thoroughly. Then he or she suggests the best options for him or her. Besides, there might be some psychometric tests involved. These tests help a career counsellor to understand the person’s personality.
You need an expert to understand all the above important points. So we all should go take our career counselling to get the best out of it. It is like when we get ill, we visit the doctor for advice same way career decision are to be taken with thorough understanding.
So that you do not realise it after your graduation in science that management would have been a better option for you and then disasters like Bsc and LLB happens! And end up being in a call center or an unwanted job with unhappy career growth which will not grow in the direction of how it should have been. It s like you stand nowhere! Right advice at right time is all the counts. FROM NOWHERE TO NOW HERE IS WHAT A COUNSELLOR DOES
In today’s world, there is no dearth of data and information, but to have the in-depth knowledge in a particular field takes a lot of effort and time in understanding the information and data available. To be able to guide a student in the right field based on his/her interests and credentials requires the correct knowledge. That’s what an expert career counsellor does, specialises in the field, understands the requirements of the student and guides him/her in the correct career path. So it is essential that career counselling is handled by experts in the field.
Career counselling should be done by expert career counsellors because they give you the best direction for your career so that you can achieve your dreams easily. for more information contact Imfs.
Career counselors help the students understand the various career paths that they can opt for, and how they can pursue them. Career counselors help them understand their own strengths and weaknesses with regard to their present course or profession, and let s them know what career they would be suited for.
Career counselors use aptitude and achievement assessments, to help clients evaluate their interests, skills and abilities.yhry evaluate client s background, education and training to help them develop realistic goals.
Career counselor develop therapeutic relationships with their cliets,aiding the clients the comfort and confidence to share their dilemmas and problems. Career counselors help the clients define realistic goals and frame a path that sets them in the journey to achieve them.
Career counselors also create for the clients, room for self-exploration. They also understand the job market which they use to guide their clients to the best result yielding path for them. Career counselors help the clients to turn their life themes into career goals.